Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Philly Part 2

You know you're in a historic part of the country when you see this while walking around...

Even Philly has pretty Starbucks!

Greg spent the day exploring Philly while I was in classes. He went to the Franklin Institute (Museum), and found a radar that measures pitching speed. Of course, he tried to beat out all the kids and get the highest speed, and suffered from a sore shoulder for days afterward... but he got a 50!!! (So worth it... You can tell by his face!)

Love Park

Despite the fountain saying "No Swimming", quite a few people cooled off from the 96+ temps by enjoying a dip in the water. I guess walking in the fountain isn't technically swimming...

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is where Rocky ran up the steps during his training. How could we not follow suit? (Despite the fact that we had to walk over an hour to get here.)

The Rocky Statue... which unfortunately is off to the side and at the bottom of the stairs. Sad!

Us before running the stairs.
(It was so funny... everyone was running the stairs. People dressed up, people working out, kids, adults, seniors... everyone!)

Greg being Rocky after beating me... big time. But I took every stair, and he skipped them. Does that count?

View of Philly from the top of the stairs.

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